From the heart to Cebanenco family

235,268 MDL Of the 250,000 required
338 Donations
16 In how many days was collected
Name Cebanenco
Amount required 250,000 Moldova Lei

• Family: Cebanenco
• Required assistance: purchase of a new house after the fire
• Required amount: 100 000 lei

Cebanenco family from the village of Salcea, in Soldanesti district, since the evening of July 1 have no roof above their head, a fire destroyed everything they had. A family with four children is now left on the street. The fire burned all they had and now they have nowhere to go to. Mother, with tears in her eyes, told us how difficult it is for them to cope with this situation. This is the most difficult moment in their life and they don’t know what future will bring. Everything they earned and gathered over many years, turned into ashes in a few hours. Now, they temporarily live with their neighbors, and with tears in their eyes they look at their burnt house, not knowing what will happen. This is a huge loss. The fire was so serious that the house can no longer be repaired; the only solution is to buy or build a new one. Cebanenco family is now homeless, therefore we ask people with a kind hearts to help them and give them hope for a new life.

Thank you for your donations and for the hope that you gave to this family!

Campaign began in 19 July 2018
In how many days was collected 16
Created P CaritateMD
Region Soldanesti
Category Social
Anonymous donation 3 Aug, 2018 13:49 8
100 MDL
Anonymous donation 3 Aug, 2018 13:27 118
400 MDL
Sorina Cotofana 1 Aug, 2018 02:07
39 MDL
Anonymous donation 31 Jul, 2018 18:36 94
20,250 MDL
Anonymous donation 31 Jul, 2018 15:48 44
209 MDL
All donations
6 Aug, 2018

Dragii nostri, familia Cebanenco, s-au mutat la casa noua. Astazi ne putem bucura impreuna de minunea pe care am adus-o in aceasta familie. Astazi ei au o casa mare, o gospodarie superba, unde sunt doua casute in ograda, una de iarna si una de vara, o gradina imensa, beci, gainuse, iar gradina este plina cu fructe si legume. Mamica a 5 copiii a indraznit sa ne spuna ca nici nu a visat la asa ceva, dar asa se intampla minuni atunci cand bunatatea si generozitatea oamenilor se aduna intr-un tot intreg. Casuta a costat 220.000 lei iar de restul banilor a fost procurate: mobila si tehnica necesara (totul nou), gaini si un purcelus. Cei mai fericiti sunt copilasii care deja faceau curatenie prin ograda. Nu avem cuvinte sa va descriem cata fericire este acum la familia Cebanenco, nu avem cuvinte sa va spunem cat de recunascatori sunt. Doar impreuna cu voi acest lucru a fost posibil, ca aceasta familie care candva atat de indurerata si trista, acum au o viata fericita si un acoperis deasupra lor. Multumim ca existati, multumim ca nu uitat de cei mai necajiti ca noi.

Cu mult respect,

Echipa - Unitate prin Caritate!



19 Jul, 2018

Am dat start campaniei
