Family: Cazacu
Required assistance: house repairs after a fire
Approximate required amount: 150 000 lei
A message from daughter:
Good afternoon! On July 29, our house burnt down. All that was in the there, all of our belongings burned down completely. Our house, which our parents built for so long, is now only gray walls. We are a hardworking family, we are four children and my parents have always worked hard and even took loans to complete the construction of this house. Unfortunately, this fire brought great suffering to our family, our parents were so desperate, and the thought that in the cold season we will not have a roof over our heads frightens them even more. All their lives they worked, and only a few hours was enough to destroy all this. It is very difficult for us to find strength and try to start everything from the scratch, we do not have the necessary resources, so today we want to ask all kind people, with big hearts, please help us, because we have no other choice. You are our only chance, our only hope.
Thank you, and God bless you!