From the heart to Bucsan Ion

38,055 EUR Of the 46,000 required
1499 Donations
604 In how many days was collected
Name Bucsan
Age 46 years
Amount required 46,000 Euro

Surname: Bucsan
Name: Ion
Age: 46
Diagnosis: Rectal Cancer
Required amount: 36000 Euro
Treatment: Turkey

A message from family:

At 46, Ion Bucsan, a hard-working man who was always a support for his children and relatives, was struck by a terrible disease. In January 2018, he underwent surgery, after which, within one month, another three followed. After these surgeries, he had a ileostomy. A rehabilitation period followed, a rather painful and difficult process, but in spite of all this, he always hoped for the better... As a result of subsequent examinations, he was diagnosed with rectal adenocarcinoma, which is an almost fatal condition, putting his whole family on their knees, morally and financially, since his wife’s salary is too low to cover the costs of the treatment. At the moment, the only solution is the treatment for several months with chemotherapy, followed by a very expensive surgery in Turkey. We beg all people with kind hearts and faith in God to help us collect this sum which is crucial for the examinations and surgery. This is a truly painful case and in such moments we usually remember about humanity, mutual aid, receptivity, the joy to be alive and to see the sunrise every day. With your help, I hope we can give Ion Bucsan a chance to live.

Campaign began in 22 January 2019
In how many days was collected 604
Created P CaritateMD
Region Chisinau, com Truseni
Category Social
Anonymous donation 16 Sep, 2020 22:34 96
100 MDL
SMS Moldcell 16 Sep, 2020 13:00
45 MDL
SMS Moldcell 16 Sep, 2020 13:00
45 MDL
SMS Moldcell 16 Sep, 2020 13:00
45 MDL
SMS Moldcell 16 Sep, 2020 13:00
45 MDL
All donations
17 Jul, 2020


2 Oct, 2019


22 Jan, 2019

Am dat start campaniei
