The drama of Bogdan Marian Banica, a 9-year-old boy, began May 20, 2016, when he suffered severe headaches. After a visit to the family doctor, he was prescribed a syrup for a cold. After 7 days of treatment, the child had the same symptoms, and another treatment was prescribed. On June 20, 2016, he returned to the doctor with severe pain in his left hand, and he was prescribed a painkiller. On July 28, the parents arrived with the child to the emergency unit, because the boy had terrible headaches and fever.
There were carried out several examinations, including a computed tomography, which revealed a tumor in the lungs. On August 5, 2016, the child, in critical condition was transferred to the hospital, where he received the bad news: acute lymphocytic leukemia.
During a year, Bogdan went to chemotherapy, but the disease continued to advance. Then the boy returned to the hospital and did a second chemotherapy session, however the problems remained: the boy started dental bleeding and his body was covered with stains. When the family was informed that the boy does not have a chance to recover and he is in a critical situation, the parents decided to look for foreign clinics. They found a clinic when he will undergo a surgery and make a bone marrow transplant, but the costs are too high, and the only chance for Bogdan are people with big hearts who can offer a helping hand to a 9-year-old child. Bogdan suffers a lot of pain. Please help this little boy who wants to live.
Dragii nostri, venim cu noutati bune. Astazi pentru Bogdan Marian spunem STOP DONATII! Micutul ce lupta pentru viata are toata suma necesara pentru tratament. Va multumim din suflet pentru toata sustinerea. Va multumim ca donatiile aduse, astazi inca un sufletel indurerat se bucura de sansa de a lupta mai departe pentru viata lui. Doar impreuna, putem cu adevarat face lucruri marete, extraordinare si care bucura sufletele noastre, atunci cand vedem ca inca un copilas a fost salvat. Din inima Bogdanel va multumeste pentru rugaciuni, incurajari si vorbe bune care ii dau putere sa lupte. Echipa va zice un MULTUMESC pana la cer, pentru ca sunteti extraordinari si pentru ca salvam vieti. Bogdan ramane sa fie puternic si sa lupte mai departe in lupta crancena cu viata, iar noi ne vom ruga pentru el sa se intoarca acasa sanatos. Multumim cu plecaciune.