From the heart to Andrei Sava

8,322 EUR Of the 8,000 required
68 Donations
1108 In how many days was collected
Name Viktoria Sava
Age 32 years
Amount required 8,000 Euro

  • Name: Andrei
  • FirstName: Sava
  • Age:  years old
  • Diagnosis: paralyzed in the lower part of the body
  • Amount necessary: 8000 euro
  • Treatment: Moldova, rehabilitation centers

Good day to all! The ability to walk and train athletes again is my dream, for which I ask you for help!

I am an honorary coach in Moldova, an international judge, master of sports in judo and sambo, Andrei Sava.

In October 2016, I fell from a height of 4 meters, and I was paralyzed in the lower part of the body.

After that followed a complex surgery with implants in the cervical zone, 10 months have passed and my legs are still paralyzed.

The forecasts are quite positive, but I need an urgent rehabilitation process that requires a lot of money, which my family simply does not have, since we spent everything on treatment and post-surgical recovery process (10 months).

To get treatment, I urgently need to visit clinics Neokinetika, Kineto Plus and USMF clinic "Nicolae Testemitanu".

In total I have to pay 8000 euros for 6 months. This sum includes rehabilitation procedures, treatment, body massage, acupuncture, travel expenses, etc.

I ask you, from the bottom of my heart, to help me, because with your assistance, my diligence and support of my family, I will be able to train again future champions of our country. There are many athletes, children, colleagues who are waiting for me every day on training grounds and sports competitions.

Walking again is my most cherished dream!

Thank you all!
Andrei Sava.

Campaign began in 11 September 2017
In how many days was collected 1108
Created Viktoria Sava
Region Chisinau
Category People with disabilities
Monese LIMITED 22 Sep, 2020 15:43
25 RON
Anonymous donation 25 Jan, 2018 16:23
6,500 EUR
vadim merenco 24 Dec, 2017 22:19 2
200 MDL
Sanatate! Primului Antrenor
Anonymous donation 4 Dec, 2017 18:42 13
1,021 MDL
Apeluri UNITE 1 Dec, 2017 11:33
580 MDL
Colectat prin apeluri telefonie fixă UNITE
All donations
28 May, 2018

Dragii nostri, astazi mai mult ca niciodata antrenorul Andrei Sava va aduce cele mai sincere multumiri. Datorita sustinerii Dvs, donatiilor, astazi D. Andrei a primit sansa la reabilitare, sansa de a se pune pe picioare. Multumim dragi ingeri pazitori, pentru ca ati fost alaturi de D. Andrei, multumim pentru aceasta sansa si pentru sprijinul oferit.



11 Sep, 2017

Am dat start campaniei
