From the heart to Anastasia Suslov

50,760 MDL Of the 53,135 required
123 Donations
317 In how many days was collected
Age 18 years
Amount required 53,135 Moldova Lei

A m message from her mother:

 Hello, I am Anastasia’s mom, who was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma and underwent a surgery just 3 weeks after birth, in Moscow. But her condition worsened, and at the age of 13, a second surgery was performed on both eyes (corneal transplant - penetrating keratoplasty). It was an expensive surgery, which, of course, was supported by people of goodwill. In 2019, Anastasia underwent another surgery to remove a cataract (thanks to donors from, and in 2020 she underwent an Antiglaucoma surgery. 

Unfortunately, after another examination, the doctors told us that in the near future we must undergo once again, a corneal transplant surgery. Due to the pandemic, we couldn’t make it, and only now we have the opportunity to undergo this surgery. But since it is too expensive and we cannot afford it, we again turn to people of good will and believe that this time you will help my daughter see the world with healthy eyes and enjoy life. My daughter is a real fighter and dreams that this surgery will finally help her see properly. She lives with the hope that people with kind hearts will be able to help her. I sincerely ask you to help my daughter make this dream come true.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support!

Campaign began in 22 September 2021
In how many days was collected 317
Created Nina Suslov
Region Balti
Category People with disabilities
Anonymous donation 4 Aug, 2022 10:02 488
Aliona Dragutan 3 Aug, 2022 17:07 253
20 EUR
SMS Unite 2 Aug, 2022 18:47
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****44
Anonymous donation 30 Jul, 2022 06:29 1045
În numele Domnului și a Maicii Domnului
SMS Unite 26 Jul, 2022 14:07
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****56
All donations
