Surname: Tripak
Name: Alexandru
Age: 16
Diagnosis: Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Required amount: 84,000 euros out of 134,000
Treatment: France
A message from father:
Hello, my name is Tripak Ivan, I am from Borceag village, Cahul district and my son, Tripak Robert Alexandru, at the age 16, was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. In December 2017, the ganglia on his neck on the right side have swollen. After numerous examinations, we were told that we need to be patient, that everything will be ok, that he has a weak immunity and is sensitive to certain factors, that now he is in puberty period, and in 7-8 months his symptoms would pass and we have nothing to worry about.
In October 2018, he began to feel worse, he started to lose weight, he no longer had appetite, the sweating increased and we decided to do a biopsy. As a result he was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. This was terrible news for our family. We are desperate because we urgently require treatment and chemotherapy abroad, in France, which costs us 134,393.00 euros. We managed to collect about 40,000 euros on our own, but the rest of the sum, unfortunately, we don’t know how to get or whom to turn to. We need your help to save our child, the sum is too large for us, we don’t have the possibility to raise these money, but the life of our child depends on it.
Alexander means everything to us, and we need your help to save his life, because our financial problems further aggravate the situation. As parents, we put our only hope in people with kind heart.
Please help us save our son.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for any donation and support!