From the Heart to Alex Rotari

36,635 EUR Of the 50,000 required
3038 Donations
32 Days left
Amount required 50,000 Euro

I am writing to you in despair, not knowing who else to turn to or which door to knock on... it feels like all doors are closing in front of me. My name is Svetlana, and I am a mother of three. My baby boy is just two months old, and he is suffering from the most severe form of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA1). This is a degenerative disease with autosomal recessive genetic transmission that affects the spinal cord neurons, often including those in the brain stem, leading to their death, muscle mass loss, and strength deterioration.

Alex, my little one, requires medical equipment as he cannot breathe on his own, will no longer be able to cough, and maybe, even swallow due to muscle function loss. The form of the disease he suffers from, without treatment, leads to the death of children by 18 months due to respiratory failure. Currently, we are in the hospital, connected to an oxygen machine, at the children's medical center. Thanks to God's help and the support of other mothers with special needs children, I have managed to do what others could not: to fight for his life and ultimately succeed. With the help of other mothers, we bought a bottle of EVRYSDI (RISDIPLAM) syrup to start treatment here in the country. But the cost exceeds all our means. One bottle costs more than 9000 euros. While he is small, one bottle lasts for 2 months, but as he grows, the dosage increases, and we need more. It's unbearably painful to realize that your child's life costs such amounts of money... How can I cope alone? To whom should I turn? Which door should I knock on? If I could, I would sell any part of body to save my child.

Therefore, we are forced to ask for help, to give our child a chance at life. I kneel before God and pray that kind people will come into our path to become Alex's guardian angels and help him bear the pain and suffering more easily. Help me save my son! Do not ignore our pain!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Campaign began in 22 March 2024
Days left 32
Created P CaritateMD
Region Chișinău
Category Social
Anonymous donation 26 Feb, 2025 16:21 7
10 EUR
Cîșlaru Valeria 25 Feb, 2025 23:16 3
1,000 MDL
Anonymous donation 24 Feb, 2025 21:30 7
100 MDL
Multă sănătate!
Anonymous donation 24 Feb, 2025 21:27 7
200 MDL
Multă sănătate!
Anonymous donation 22 Feb, 2025 12:54 149
1,000 MDL
All donations
16 Oct, 2024

Micuțul continua sa lupte pentru viața… Câtă durere ascunde aceasta lupta… Alex nu poate sa supraviețuiască fără siropul comandat peste hotarele țării  care doar o sticluță costa peste 8000 euro… Dragii noștri, o mica donație de suflet , 10-20 lei nu mult, dar de la mulți oameni, ar ajuta părinții sa poată lupta și mai departe cu boala nemiloasa… E un mare chin și o mare durere când viața copilului tău depinde de bani ce nu ii poți permite… Sa fim alături de puiul acesta nevinovat și va rugam, toți împreună sa dăruim șansa pentru viața lui Alex, un copil micuț de nici un anișor cu o putere enormă are nevoie de noi sa poată sa își salveze viața …. 

Sa dăruim bunătate și o mica speranța din orice tara, sau colț al lumii prin cele mai comode și ușoare metode(card bancar, PayPal, transfer bancar, paynet) accesând acest link de donații:


27 Jun, 2024


10 Apr, 2024


22 Mar, 2024

Am dat start campaniei
