From the heart to Adriana Proca

6,818 USD Of the 12,500 required
444 Donations
117 In how many days was collected
Amount required 12,500 US Dollar

A message from Adriana:

Good afternoon, I am Adriana Proca and I hope you rememeber me. At 15, I was diagnosed with leukemia, and with your help I was able to overcome this terrible disease. But some time after the treatment, my leg started to hurt and aseptic necrosis of the femoral head was diagnosed. As a result of the treatment, the cartilage was destroyed, and the bone began to disturb. Since May, I walked on crutches because of the pain i feel, I simply can not step on my left foot. Now doctors say that i require a surgery for prosthetics because the situation has worsened significantly over the past few months. I walk with difficulty and if I won’t undergo this surgery, I will not be able to walk anymore. The surgery is quite expensive for us, and we have no choice but to ask for your help once again. I hope that you will recieve your support in this difficult moments!

Thank you so much for your assistance!

Campaign began in 29 November 2019
In how many days was collected 117
Created P CaritateMD
Category Social
Anonymous donation 25 Mar, 2020 19:48 56
200 MDL
Vasy Ciobanu 24 Mar, 2020 12:12 8
500 MDL
Multa sananate
Anonymous donation 24 Mar, 2020 11:08 113
200 MDL
SMS Moldcell 21 Mar, 2020 11:00
45 MDL
February tel:79****44
Anonymous donation 18 Mar, 2020 20:28 58
20 EUR
All donations
12 Sep, 2022


15 Feb, 2021


5 Feb, 2020
29 Nov, 2019

Am dat start campaniei
