A message from her mother:
Greetings, people of goodwill, I come to you with a desperate plea. My 9-year-old daughter is suffering from a rare disease that affects her vision. We are truly desperate and have searched everywhere to find out what is wrong and why she is losing her vision, as Xenia is in a sad and depressed state. She doesn't understand what's happening... It breaks my heart to see her crying and asking if there's a chance for her to see again. She goes to school and wants to learn very much, but it's very hard for her.
We are urgently expected at a clinic in Georgia, where we have sent all the analyses done in Moldova and Germany. They have informed us that my daughter urgently requires surgery. I implore you from the bottom of my heart to help me so that my daughter does not lose her sight forever. For several months, we haven't known what peace is, the amount is significant for us, and we desperately need your support.
We, Xenia's parents, thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and may God bless You.
Xenia Banda datorita oamenilor a primit sansa sa isi salveze vederea.
Dragii nostri, venim cu cele mai minunate noutati de la frumusetea aceasta de fetita. Operatia a avut loc cu succes, Xenia se simte bine, medicii monitorizeaza rezultatel. Zilele acestea am discutat cu mamica continuu cat erau la spital... nu va imaginati cata recunostinta e in sufletul acestei mamici, nu va imaginati cate emotii avea mamica cand Xenia era la operatie... Obositi, chinuiti, nopti nedormite dar totul a trecut cu bine, mamica Xeniei ne-a rugat sa transmitem fiecarui om ce nu a fost indiferent de fetita ei.
Va multumim din inima, impreuna am reusit sa ii oferim Xeniei sansa sa isi salveze vederea. O mai mare Binecuvantare pentru aceasta familie nu poate fi.
Multumim pentru ca alegeti ca durere straina sa nu existe si Xenia datorita oamenilor are sansa sa vada.