From the Heart for Veronica Popa

11,599 EUR Of the 18,000 required
571 Donations
5 Days left
Age 25 years
Amount required 18,000 Euro

I am pleading from the bottom of my heart—please help me save my leg! My name is Veronica, I am 25 years old, and in 2021, I was diagnosed with a rare disease—aggressive fibromatosis in the popliteal area of my right leg. I am only the second patient in Moldova with this diagnosis. At the beginning of 2021, I underwent a course of radiotherapy, but it was ineffective. At the end of the year, I had surgery to remove the tumor, but it could not be completely removed. As a result, throughout 2022, I underwent chemotherapy, but unfortunately, within a few months, the tumor recurred. After the surgery, I needed to follow up with Nirogacestat treatment, but it is too expensive for me and my family—55,000 euros per month. Due to the lack of treatment, the tumor recurred again. Now, almost all the clinics I have contacted have given me the same answer: amputation of the leg. A clinic abroad is willing to help me, but unfortunately, my family does not have the 18,000 euros required at this time. I am asking kind-hearted people to help me as soon as possible so I can receive the necessary treatment and surgery to save my leg!

Campaign began in 5 August 2024
Days left 5
Created P CaritateMD
Region Chișinău, con Grătiești
Category Social
Tatiana Lazar 23 Jan, 2025 11:15 43
Anonymous donation 20 Jan, 2025 01:55 279
Anonymous donation 4 Jan, 2025 11:47 61
800 MDL
Stratu Maria 3 Jan, 2025 23:20
1,000 MDL
Știu ce înseamnă și contează. Fii sănătoasă, Nica, niciodată să nu dai mâinele în jos, ești cea mai bună!! Keep on and rock’n roll!!!!!!!!
Anonymous donation 1 Jan, 2025 13:42 6
10 EUR
Dumnezeu si Maiculita Domnului sa va ajute!!!
Un An Nou Fericit!!!!
All donations
