From the Heart for Valeriu Murug

29,503 EUR Of the 29,412 required
103 Donations
27 In how many days was collected
Age 34 years
Amount required 29,412 Euro

On May 4th, 2020, in Straseni, a road traffic accident involving two vehicles occurred. Valeriu, aged 31, was seriously injured. As a result of the accident, he was diagnosed with a TH12 vertebral fracture IIIrd degree, which caused lower paraplegia, a complex sensory syndrome at the D12 level bilaterally with impairment of deep sphincter sensitivity, retention of stool and urine, bilateral lung contusion, and cervical contusion.
He underwent a complex surgery where a transpedicular spinal fixation system was installed, but the compressed vertebral fracture continues to cause unbearable pain and forces him to stay bedridden. After numerous agonizing procedures, it was concluded that a surgery in Germany could save him. However, the cost of the surgery is beyond our means.

It is a very large amount for our family, but it is very much needed. With desperation, the family is asking for help to give Valeriu a chance at a life without pain and agony. The young man has two children to raise and sincerely hopes to be heard and helped.

Campaign began in 14 February 2024
In how many days was collected 27
Created P CaritateMD
Region r. Călărași, s. Seliștea Nouă
Category Social
stefan murug 12 Mar, 2024 09:07
100 EUR
Varu cu Doamne ajuta, o sa fie tot bine.
Anonymous donation 12 Mar, 2024 00:48 5
193 MDL
Raileanu Tatiana 11 Mar, 2024 23:52
1,932 MDL
Bulgaru Daniel 11 Mar, 2024 21:25 16
500 MDL
Însănătoşire grabnică!!!!
Elena Z 11 Mar, 2024 19:53 2
250 MDL
All donations
