From the Heart for Vadim Livitski

21,932 EUR Of the 55,000 required
1136 Donations
21 In how many days was collected
Age 29 years
Amount required 55,000 Euro

Dear friends, my name is Vadim Livitski, I am 29 years old, from Chișinău. I am a loving husband and a future father, but currently, I am in a difficult situation and need your moral and financial support.
I suffer from aplastic anemia, and my bone marrow no longer produces white and red blood cells for my body. In the fall of 2022, I found out I had this disease, and at that time, I went to Turkey for a transplant. However, since my mother was only 70% compatible and my sister was pregnant, the doctors in Turkey proposed a treatment for my bone marrow. The full effect of this treatment did not occur, only 30% of it affected the bone marrow. At the beginning of May this year, I went to Istanbul for new investigations and to perform a bone marrow biopsy again. Based on the results, the doctors proposed the only solution for my case, which is stem cell transplant. My sister was proposed as a potential donor, and her genetic results match mine 100%, making her my donor and my angel on earth. At the beginning of June, I am scheduled for a bone marrow transplant, but the costs are very high, over 90,000 €, which my family, unfortunately, cannot cover, so we are asking for help from people of goodwill.
Any donation, regardless of its size, is greatly appreciated and will make a huge difference in my life. Please help me regain my health and overcome this challenge. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support!

Campaign began in 20 May 2024
In how many days was collected 21
Created P CaritateMD
Region Chișinău
Category Social
PETRU URSU 10 Jun, 2024 15:48 2
10 USD
Pentru că sănătatea contează mai mult decât orice suntem cu tine Vadim
SIMION, MIHAIL 10 Jun, 2024 11:12
20 EUR
ajutor material pu Livitchi Vadim
Anonymous donation 9 Jun, 2024 22:42 5
84 EUR
SMS Unite 9 Jun, 2024 15:12
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****46
Anonymous donation 8 Jun, 2024 12:04 7
176 MDL
All donations
26 Jun, 2024
31 May, 2024


20 May, 2024

Am dat start campaniei
