From the heart for Tudor Trifan

11,662 MDL Of the 82,400 required
62 Donations
418 In how many days was collected
Age 42 years
Amount required 82,400 Moldova Lei

A message from Tudor

Hello, my name is Tudor, I am 42 years old and because of diabetes, my leg was amputated. I have a chance to make my life easier, but i need a prosthetic device that costs much more than my financial possibilities. Because of my disability, I cannot get a job and I only live on a disability pension. All my hope is now on people of good will and I ask you from the bottom of my heart to help me buy a prosthesis that costs 65,500 lei. Please help me change my life. It is very difficult for a disabled person to survive, without a leg, without a job and with a small disability pension.

Thank you so much for your support!

Campaign began in 3 December 2020
In how many days was collected 418
Created P CaritateMD
Region r. Călărași, s. Șipoteni
Category Social
Anonymous donation 25 Jan, 2022 04:50 1003
În numele Domnului și a Maicii Domnului
Anonymous donation 7 Dec, 2021 15:28 488
Alexandru Cebotari 8 Nov, 2021 06:12 443
Alexandru Cebotari 18 Oct, 2021 05:59 443
Anonymous donation 16 Aug, 2021 15:51 86
200 MDL
Doamne ajuta
All donations
