From the Heart for the Josan Family

50,336 MDL Of the 200,000 required
312 Donations
110 In how many days was collected
Amount required 200,000 Moldova Lei

A message from the family:


We are the Josan family, a modest, united, and fulfilled family. Two years and 5 months ago, our third happiness was born, little Vlăduț, weighing 1 kg and 643 g. The doctors reassured us and convinced me that all big things come from small beginnings. 15 days after birth, it was discovered that he had heart problems. The doctors did everything they could and fought for Vlăduț's life, and at 3 months old, my child underwent heart surgery. After the surgery, Vlăduț was paralyzed in his legs. In despair and torn with pain, I prayed to God to give him to me as he is, just for him to live. After 2 months of intensive care and suffering, we came back home, thinking we had left all the pain and suffering behind. Gradually, we started to rehabilitate, and after some time, we managed to see Vlăduț's smile again.

It is a continuous struggle; it is not easy for us. In 2 years, the hospital has become our second home. Despite all the successes, we are once again faced with difficulties. It was discovered that he has cerebral palsy and has started having seizures. It is very hard to see him suffering, and we desperately need your help to procure a wheelchair with a support system for Vlad, for rehabilitation, and to create better living conditions for him. It is very hard to explain to his older siblings why Vlăduț cannot see, speak, or walk. I pray every day to God to make Vlad strong and keep him healthy with us. He is an example to us, showing that we must continue to fight and never give up.

Campaign began in 21 May 2024
In how many days was collected 110
Created P CaritateMD
Region r. Criuleni, s. Bălăbănești
Category Social
Anonymous donation 6 Sep, 2024 17:42 131
97 MDL
SMS Moldcell 4 Sep, 2024 10:00
45 MDL
SMS Moldcell 4 Sep, 2024 10:00
45 MDL
SMS Moldcell 4 Sep, 2024 10:00
45 MDL
Anonymous donation 21 Aug, 2024 13:50
581 MDL
All donations
