From the Heart for Serghei Bocan

6,020 EUR Of the 5,900 required
103 Donations
23 In how many days was collected
Age 32 years
Amount required 5,900 Euro

A message from the young man:

Greetings, kind-hearted people. My name is Serghei Bocan, and I'm 32 years old. Currently, I am in Paris, France, where I moved like many others, hoping to earn enough for a decent life. For a long time, I've been experiencing pain in my right leg and hip. I hoped it would go away, but unfortunately, the pain persisted. Eventually, I had to seek medical help, where I was diagnosed with complete osteonecrosis of the right femoral head. After examinations in France, I was told that I would need €14,789 for surgical interventions to restore my previous lifestyle. Due to my inability to work and move around, I can't raise these funds on my own. That’s why I am reaching out to you with a plea for help to reclaim my life.

Thank you immensely for any support you can provide.

Campaign began in 10 April 2024
In how many days was collected 23
Created P CaritateMD
Region r. Călărași, satul Săliștea-Nouă
Category Social
Anonymous donation 8 May, 2024 17:15 2
6,050 MDL
Anonymous donation 7 May, 2024 22:33 185
Для возвышения души Аллы бат Григорий
SMS Moldcell 6 May, 2024 14:00
45 MDL
SMS Moldcell 6 May, 2024 14:00
45 MDL
SMS Moldcell 6 May, 2024 14:00
45 MDL
All donations
