From the heart for Petru Shelahaev

5,578 EUR Of the 8,250 required
435 Donations
146 In how many days was collected
Name Petru
Age 27 years
Amount required 8,250 Euro

Surname: Shelahaev
Last name: Petru
Diagnosis: Cancer
Age: 27 
Amount required to start the surveys: 4,000 euros+4250

A Message from girlfriend:

Good day to you, people of goodwill. We are desperately asking for your help. At age 27, Peter was diagnosed with cancer of the right testicle with multiple metastases in the lungs and other organs. He underwent many tests and began to undergo chemotherapy because they showed the presence of metastasis. Unfortunately, chemotherapy was discontinued because the reaction was adverse and Petru was getting worse. They told us that it was necessary to wait, but we managed to find an opportunity to undergo examinations abroad in order to correctly determine the treatment he requires. However, the cost of these surveys is too high for us. Therefore, I ask for your to help us, the situation is very serious and urgent and for Petru, every day is a new chance to life. I ask you from the bottom of my heart to give this young man a chance to live. He is only 27 years old and is in a very difficult situation, he is in despair.

Thank you for your generosity!

Campaign began in 30 May 2019
In how many days was collected 146
Created P CaritateMD
Region r. Nisporeni, s. Varzaresti
Category Social
"Trifan Com" SRL 23 Oct, 2019 10:53
2,000 MDL
Anonymous donation 11 Oct, 2019 02:27
Însănătoșire grabnică
Anonymous donation 7 Oct, 2019 21:54 25
50 MDL
Anonymous donation 7 Oct, 2019 21:38 2
500 MDL
Sanatate Petru!!!!
Vladimir Prunici 7 Oct, 2019 00:53 22
200 MDL
Doamne atita!!!
All donations
