From the heart for Nichita Pavlovschi

76,768 USD Of the 95,000 required
2232 Donations
115 In how many days was collected
Name Petru
Age 3 years
Amount required 95,000 US Dollar

  • Name: Nichita
  • FirstName: Pavlovschi
  • Age: 3 years
  • Diagnosis:Pronounced hypoplasia of the mitral valve and the left ventricle. Mild insufficiency of the aortic valve. Secondary defect of the interatrial septum. Moderate insufficiency of the mitral valve and tricuspid valves. Pronounced systolic dysfunction of the right and left ventricles. Non-compact cardiomyopathy of the right ventricle.
  • Amount necessary:95.000 $
  • Treatment: India

Nikita Pavlovschii was born on March 27, 2014. Even before the birth, the parents were given a terrifying diagnosis, but despite all the difficulties, it was decided to fight. The child was born in Kiev, Ukraine. His was born with only a single functioning heart ventricle. Full diagnosis is as follows: Pronounced hypoplasia of the mitral valve and the left ventricle. Mild insufficiency of the aortic valve. Secondary defect of the interatrial septum. Moderate insufficiency of the mitral valve and tricuspid valves. Pronounced systolic dysfunction of the right and left ventricles. Non-compact cardiomyopathy of the right ventricle.

On the second day of his life he underwent a complicated heart surgery. A difficult postoperative period and a long stay in the intensive care unit were overcome with hope for the best. At 4 months, the child's condition worsened again, and the parents again asked Kiev cardiac surgeons for help. The second urgent operation was carried out and again with a very difficult period of recovery. The child was very weak. But despite all the difficulties, endless consultations with doctors, daily receiving of a large number of drugs and other accompanying health problems - thanks to the love and struggle for life the child began to slowly come to normal life.

In 3.5 years things took a turn for the worse. After a viral infection, Nikita's condition quickly worsened. Because of cardiac insufficiency, chyle accumulated in the pleural cavity of the lungs. The child was put under intensive care and a drainage system was installed to remove the liquid. After multiple diagnostics and consultations with Kiev doctors, as well as the leading world experts from the USA, the conclusion was that subsequent surgeries have a very high risk and will not be effective. Heart transplantation remained as the only option...

Now the child is in Kiev, and his condition does not allow him to leave the clinic. Constant fluid drainage provokes loss of protein, because of which he requires expensive drugs, including antibiotics. The current condition forces us to urgently appeal to specialized clinics that perform pediatric heart transplantation.

Such surgeries are not available in our country and its high cost abroad is an impossible burden for parents who, until now, have tried to pay for the treatment of the child on their own.

Nikita's parents cry out for help to all people. Please help us overcome this incredibly difficult task and gift the child a chance for a continued life. Children is the most valuable thing in the life of their parents!

Campaign began in 6 December 2017
In how many days was collected 115
Created P CaritateMD
Region Chisinau
Category Social
Anonymous donation 31 Mar, 2018 00:23 175
100 MDL
Pentru ca durere straina nu exista!!
Anonymous donation 30 Mar, 2018 23:43 80
10 EUR
Dumnezeu sa va ajute.
Anonymous donation 30 Mar, 2018 13:35 138
500 MDL
Sirbu Mariana 30 Mar, 2018 12:59 40
200 MDL
Sănătate pui de om !!!
Ciudin Irina 30 Mar, 2018 08:50 4
200 MDL
Sa dea Dumnezeu ca intr-o zi inimioara lui Nichita sa bata sanatoasa!!!
All donations
31 Mar, 2018

Dragii nostri, spunem STOP DONATII pentru Nichita Pavlovschi. Impreuna cu alte donatii micutul are toata suma necesara pentru o inimioara noua. Multumim din suflet si cu plecaciune pentru fiecare donatie si incurajare, datorita noua, oamenilor, micutul are sansa la viata, iar acum nu ne ramane decat sa ne rugam. Cu nerabdare il asteptam sa revina acasa si sa creasca un copilas sanatos. Multumim pentru sansa la viata.


30 Dec, 2017

Dragii nostri mai incercam inca odata sa sustinem inimioara lui Nichita, sa fim alaturi de micut, sa facem o minune de care are nevoie, sa donam din putinul care este pentru a-i salva viata.


Am dat start campaniei
