From the Heart for Maxim Sărăcuță

6,262 EUR Of the 10,000 required
802 Donations
42 Days left
Age 10 years
Amount required 10,000 Euro

A message from  his Family:

My name is Lidia, I am 30 years old, and I am the mother of three children. My eldest son, Maxim, is 10 years old and is fighting a rare condition known as Coats’ disease. This is a rare retinal disorder that causes abnormal blood vessel growth, leading to retinal swelling, detachment, neovascular glaucoma, and, if left untreated, permanent blindness in one eye.

Currently, Maxim has completely lost vision in his left eye. In December 2024, he underwent an intravitreal injection at a clinic abroad. It gave us hope, but unfortunately, there were no visible improvements. After the first procedure, a second surgery was scheduled for January of this year.

Sadly, our journey is far from over. Maxim’s doctor has explained that he will need a series of intravitreal injections every 30 days to stabilize his condition. Each injection costs €3,300, and the total cost of treatment is unknown, as no one can predict how many procedures he will need. Unfortunately, this expense is far beyond what our family can afford.

At this moment, Maxim has completely lost vision in his left eye, and ongoing treatment is essential to prevent damage to his right eye and stop the disease from progressing.

We are reaching out to you, people of goodwill, in the hope that you can help. Every donation, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to a brighter future for Maxim. You are the ones who can restore his hope!

We are deeply grateful to everyone who supports us in this difficult journey. Thank you for standing by our side. Every bit of help brings Maxim closer to a life where he can see, play, and live happily.

With heartfelt gratitude,
Lidia & Maxim

Campaign began in 15 January 2025
Days left 42
Created P CaritateMD
Region or. Ocnița
Category Social
Anonymous donation 28 Mar, 2025 11:08 219
Anonymous donation 27 Mar, 2025 21:19 219
Anonymous donation 26 Mar, 2025 09:29 219
Anonymous donation 25 Mar, 2025 09:24 219
Anonymous donation 24 Mar, 2025 12:40 219
All donations
