From the heart for Maxim Donica

638 EUR Of the 11,000 required
50 Donations
31 In how many days was collected
Name Maxim Donica
Amount required 11,000 Euro
Treatment Vienna
Diagnostic Autism

Dear friends,
Please take a moment to read this message, in which we are desperately asking for help for our little Maxim. We are a young family with 3 small children, 3 angels who bring us great joy. But the most painful thing for us as parents was to find out that our baby had health problems. Two years ago, after numerous examinations, Maxim was diagnosed with autism, a disorder characterized by impaired social interactions, communication, mood swings, anxiety, repetitive behavior, metabolic disorders and digestive problems. The reasons for this disease remain unknown.
There are many specialized medical clinics in Europe that offer stem cell therapy for autistic patients. We received a response from a clinic in Vienna, Austria.
Such treatment is the only solution that will allow Maxim to perform the main activities. After stem cell treatment, the following changes can be seen in autistic patients: improved digestion, improved communication and behavior skills, the ability to overcome fear of loud noises, strangers and bright colors, improved verbal skills, etc.
This treatment requires 11,000 euros - a huge amount for our family. This is why we desperately ask for your support.

Help us so that we can give Maxim the opportunity to become a normal child and lead a normal life.

Campaign began in 6 May 2021
In how many days was collected 31
Created P CaritateMD
Category Social
SMS Unite 5 Jun, 2021 23:02
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****80
Adrian Secrii 4 Jun, 2021 14:03 54
10 EUR
Bacota Lilia 31 May, 2021 18:00 50
100 MDL
CARMEN IORDAN 30 May, 2021 14:35 7
218 MDL
Михаил Сытник 29 May, 2021 00:17 614
537 MDL
Будьте здоровы
All donations
8 Jun, 2021
6 May, 2021

Am dat start campaniei
