From the Heart for Maxim Capaclî

29,198 EUR Of the 200,000 required
3187 Donations
42 Days left
Age 9 years
Amount required 200,000 Euro

A message from his mother:

If Max loses his battle with cancer, I don’t want to live without him! I can’t bear the thought of losing him just because I don’t have the money for his treatment. The disease has weakened his body so much that doctors are struggling to find his veins. A team of doctors and nurses gathered around him, trying to locate a vein. They caused him unbearable pain, and Max screamed like never before, falling into a state of uncontrollable panic. I have never seen my child so terrified. Lord, please help me raise the money for the DANYELZA treatment and save my little boy!

My son is only 9 years old, and he is going through a nightmare that no child should ever face. Neuroblastoma cancer has spread throughout his body. He screams in pain—every movement, every part of his body hurts! How can I bear to see him like this? How can I accept that God might take him away from me?

Max’s only chance is a treatment that costs 1.84 million euros! An enormous sum, beyond our means, but without it, his life will fade away.

The treatment that can save him is called DANYELZA 40 MG/10 ML, a monoclonal antibody that helps the immune system fight cancer cells. It is our only hope! Each dose costs 35,000 euros, and Max needs 48 doses. With all medical expenses included, the total reaches 1.84 million euros. It is an overwhelming amount, but for us, it means HIS LIFE!

I beg you from the bottom of my heart—please help us! Share my story, because every donation can make a huge difference! We cannot do it without you.

I can't bear the thought of losing my child, of having to kiss his cold little hands and say goodbye forever! I have to fight for him, but I cannot do it alone. Please, help me save Max!

IMPORTANT: The indicated sum is required for the first stage of treatment—chemotherapy.

Campaign began in 21 January 2025
Days left 42
Created P CaritateMD
Region or. Comrat
Category Social
Anonymous donation 28 Mar, 2025 23:35 3
40 MDL
Anonymous donation 28 Mar, 2025 23:24
50 EUR
Aculina Tanurcova 28 Mar, 2025 21:46
20 USD
Anonymous donation 28 Mar, 2025 20:21 2
39 MDL
Turcanu Natalia 28 Mar, 2025 09:49 15
500 MDL
All donations
4 Mar, 2025

Viata lui Maximca e pe o muchie de cuțit… tratamentul peste hotarele țării ii oferă șansa sa își salveze viața… Doar ca acest tratament costa enorm pentru părinți… 

Va rugam din inima sa distribuiți la maxim istoria acestui băiețel ce are nevoie de mulți oameni cu suflet mare sa ajute cu o mica donație de suflet și sa își salveze VIATA… Puterea și bunătatea omeneasca ii poate oferi lui Maxim șansa sa trăiască… Va rugam sa ne unim…

Pentru viata puiului, se poate dona din orice tara, aici:


12 Feb, 2025

 Imposibil de privit lupta pentru viata al lui Maximca fara lacrimi... cat de trist, cat de slabit, cata durere, cata suferinta... Doamne ai grija de copilasii lumii... Dragi Oameni cu Suflet mare, Maximca are nevoie foarte  urgent de ajutorul oamenilor sa isi salveze viata... Fara acest tratament, micutul poate pierde orice sansa la VIATA... Este foarte costisitor, este imposibil pentru familie care si asa sarmanii nu mai stiu ce sa faca si de unde sa ia bani... Ne este frica sa ne gandim ce simte mamica lui Maximca care lupta si duce pe umerii ei atata durere si nedreptate... Va rugam sa ne unim, aceste imagini  pur si simplu  iti distrug sufletul... cata mila si cata suferinta au ochisorii puiului... 

Din orice colt al lumii, ne putem uni pentru viata acestui baietel care e pe o muchie de cutit, va urgam sa alegem sa salvam viata puiului, pentru ca suma este una imensa pentru parinti, aici este link-ul pentru donatii din orice tara:


21 Jan, 2025

Am dat start campaniei
