From the Heart for Malvina Josan

17,328 EUR Of the 35,200 required
1376 Donations
21 Days left
Age 26 years
Amount required 35,200 Euro

A message from the young woman:

Dear people of goodwill,

My name is Malvina, and I will soon be 26 years old. I am a mother and a wife, I have two beautiful children who brighten my days, and a husband who always supports me. We are reaching out to everyone and asking for your assistance! I ask each and everyone of you to stand by me and help me get through this difficult path. Since 2018, I have been battling a severe diagnosis - Hodgkin's Lymphoma that is affecting the spine as well. In 2018, I also underwent a surgery on the C7 disc to remove an infection, and I experienced paralysis of the hands and legs. However, God helped me, and I started to walk again, continuing only with chemotherapy. But over the years, the situation has worsened. While undergoing chemotherapy in 2021, I became pregnant and decided to keep the child because of the illness. It was a difficult and very painful pregnancy due to the spine and my diagnosis, but I endured it all. I woke up and went to bed with prayers, and in 2022 I gave birth to a healthy and wonderful daughter. But when the baby was 3 months old, I again started chemotherapy. In October 2023, I had leg paralysis and received treatment with antibiotics, my only painkiller was morphine because nothing else helped, and the fever reached 40°. After a series of treatments, the doctors managed to get me back on my feet, but my head is still held up by a corset that helps me a lot. I should never take it off, as this can have serious consequences. I followed treatment in Moldova until February 23, 2024. But unfortunately, chemotherapy no longer helps. We barely found doctors abroad who can help me. The doctors gave me great chances to recover and get rid of this horrible diagnosis, but it's very costly, and unfortunately, our family cannot raise such a large sum of money. I ask each of you, good people, to help us raise this sum so that I can be a mother to my children. Without you, I am powerless, and with you, I can overcome these difficulties. Any donation, even 5 or 10 lei, helps me and gives me a great chance at a new life. Thank you for everything!

Campaign began in 18 April 2024
Days left 21
Created P CaritateMD
Region R. Florești s. Cuhureștii de Sus
Category Social
SMS Moldcell 6 Jan, 2025 16:00
45 MDL
SMS Moldcell 6 Jan, 2025 16:00
45 MDL
SMS Moldcell 6 Jan, 2025 16:00
45 MDL
FILIPP ALEXANDR 6 Jan, 2025 13:49
140 MDL
ajutor material pu Josan Malvina
Anonymous donation 25 Dec, 2024 00:00 256
All donations
24 Oct, 2024

O mare disperare si un strigat de ajutor astazi aceasta mamica ne implora sa ii auzim durerea si suferinta in lupta ei pentru viata. O mama tanara asteptata acasa  de doi copii mici ne cere ajutorul.  

“Bună ziua oameni dragi. Vreau sa ma împărtășesc cu voi cu ultimile noutăți. Am finisat a 13 cura de chimie si am făcut aparatul PET-CT.

Din păcate rezultatul nu prea mi-a  adus noutăți prea bune. În zona ficarului am o celulă canceroasă destul de mărișoară și ea față de aparatul precedent acum a crescut. Medicul mi-a adăugat preparate adăugatoare care sunt foarte costitoare și suntem doar cu speranța ca să se micșoreze și să mă ajute.

Am suportat acum câteva zile o operație pentru instalarea portului sub piele căci venele mele deja au suportat atâta tratament și deja au dispărut sunt tari  și plesnesc după fiecare introducere. 

Vă rog foarte mult oameni dragi,  să mă ajutați să pot achita tratamentul căci acum e și mai scump cu noile preparate față de cel precedent.

Toată nădejdea mea și speranța acum e în voi.

Vă rog foarte mult să mă ajutați, îmi doresc din tot sufletul  să trăiesc.

 Orice donație sau distribuie acum foarte mult contează pentru viața mea și nădejde copiilor pentru a avea mamă .Vă mulțumesc foarte mult pentru ajutorul și susținerea dumneavoastră.”


5 Sep, 2024


1 Jul, 2024
18 Apr, 2024

Am dat start campaniei
