From the Heart for Larisa Boghean

5,704 EUR Of the 48,000 required
474 Donations
75 In how many days was collected
Age 52 years
Amount required 48,000 Euro

Hello, a tragedy has occurred in our family. My mother, Larisa Boghean, has been diagnosed with a growth in her brain stem... and it's rapidly progressing. The tumor is inoperable surgically, but there's hope with CyberKnife surgery. Without it, my mother won't be able to live much longer. Unfortunately, such operations are not performed in Moldova. We've reached out to different countries and have received approval in Turkey. The clinic is willing to conduct tests and a stereotactic biopsy to determine if CyberKnife surgery is feasible. This is our only chance for her survival, but we lack 100% of the funds for all the procedures... the amount is substantial for us... And time is running out...

Let me tell you a bit about my mother, Larisa. She is 52 years old. She is a very hardworking, compassionate, and kind person. Everyone who knows her is aware that she's always ready to help, whether it's someone close or a stranger. My mother also has a daughter, Arina, who is 10 years old. When my mother was little, she lost her parents early and knows how hard it is to grow up without them. Together, we can help my mother undergo treatment, raise her daughter, be there for her when she needs us, and live many more years! We appeal to all compassionate individuals to help us. We hope that someday, when you're going through a difficult time, others will also come to your aid and won't leave you in distress.

Campaign began in 29 March 2024
In how many days was collected 75
Created P CaritateMD
Region Chișinău
Category Social
Anonymous donation 12 Jun, 2024 13:07 64
200 MDL
SMS Unite 5 Jun, 2024 12:47
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****73
FILIPP ALEXANDR 2 Jun, 2024 16:58
70 MDL
ajutor material pu Boghean Larisa
Anonymous donation 24 May, 2024 10:25 631
575 MDL
Будьте здоровы!
SMS Unite 21 May, 2024 22:55
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****90
All donations
