From the Heart for Elena Gindea

1,257 EUR Of the 55,860 required
195 Donations
58 Days left
Amount required 55,860 Euro

Dear Community,

I reach out to you with hope and a heart full of gratitude during these difficult times. My name is Ion Gindea, and I urgently need financial support to access the necessary medical treatment for my sister, Elena Gindea. While visiting England she suffered a stroke caused by a bacterium located inside a heart valve that had stopped functioning.
Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with endocarditis, and the doctors recommended vital but very expensive treatment. However, the costs associated with this treatment exceed my family's financial capabilities. After a month of hospitalization and receiving strong antibiotics to eliminate the bacterium, there was no effect, and the doctors recommended emergency heart surgery to prevent another stroke and the risk of infecting other organs. On April 24, 2024, Elena underwent surgery. The doctors say that another surgery will follow shortly.
Any donation, large or small, is invaluable and will be received with gratitude and an open heart. Thank you in advance for your generosity and kindness. Every act of support helps us through these difficult times and gives hope that Elena will be able to overcome this challenge and return to a healthy and happy life.

With gratitude,
Ion Gindea.

Campaign began in 6 May 2024
Days left 58
Created P CaritateMD
Region orașul Strășeni
Category Social
Nelli Chiperi 19 Jan, 2025 11:37 34
290 MDL
In fiece an de ziua mea ii multumesc Domnului ca am mai avut un an cu sanatate! Sper din suflet sa te ajute Domnul sa invingi boala si sa mai ai multi ani sanatosi in viata ta!
Anonymous donation 27 Dec, 2024 00:20 279
Matcovschi Sergiu 26 Dec, 2024 23:09 12
19 MDL
FILIPP ALEXANDR 11 Dec, 2024 09:49
200 MDL
ajutor material pu Gîndea Elena
Ikedi Emmanuel Uzor 2 Dec, 2024 22:53 4
500 MDL
The doctor will do the job and God will heal you . Please have the desire to live and you shall be healed. Amen
All donations
