From the Heart for Darius Moroi

5,973 USD Of the 5,800 required
309 Donations
387 In how many days was collected
Name Alina Barbu
Age 18 years
Amount required 5,800 US Dollar

Darius was born with severe asphyxia, there was no oxygen during labor and the boy was diagnosed with microcephaly. The brain grows, but the cranial bones do not develop and the head can not grow in volume. This affects his central nervous system.
At 8 months he does not smile, he often has seizures, uncontrolled movements, he can lose his eyesight, he may have a speech disorder, he walks with difficulty, lags behind in development. We take medication once every 10 days, eat artificial milk. The boy constantly cries for pain, sometimes all day and night. So far, we have managed, but now we have no money left. We need the help and support of all people with big hearts, who can and wants to help us. We need money for computed tomography and for a trip to Italy to do the necessary investigations to save Darius's brain. I want to see how my child is smiling again and not only in his dreams when she sees the angels. I ask you from the heart to help us save Darius! Thank you!

Campaign began in 16 August 2017
In how many days was collected 387
Created Alina Barbu
Region Chisinau
Category Social
Semenenco Ana 6 Sep, 2018 14:16
250 MDL
BPay Terminal 12 Jan, 2018 11:54
50 MDL
Numărul cecului: 103845911318293
Anonymous donation 31 Dec, 2017 18:51 94
3,420 MDL
Anonymous donation 30 Dec, 2017 12:16 7
50 MDL
Anonymous donation 29 Dec, 2017 06:48 266
All donations
30 Nov, 2017

Scumpii nostri, Darius Moroi, se afla acum la clinica din Turica. A trecut mult asteptatele investigatii, la care mama nu dormea zi si noapte pentru a vedea in final ce sanse sunt pentru micutul ei. Mamica un pic s-a mai linistit dupa ce a primit noutatea ca Darius are toate sansele cat de cat sa fie un copilas ca toti ceilalti. La moment micutul are nevoie de un tratament ce va costa 5800 dolari. Parintii ne roaga din tot sufletul sa fim cu ei pana la urma, este o sansa imensa pentru aceasta familie, o sansa unica de care mamica a visat de la bun inceput, cand au primit diagnosticul care le-a schimbat viata in totalmente. Gandul si speranta ca Darius poate fi un copilas ca si toti ceilalti le da putere parintilor sa lupte, dar fara noi, fara sustinerea noastra, din pacate nu este posibil. Pentru o inima micuta ce se chinuie zile la rand, plange neincetat si zambeste doar in vis, va rugam sa aducem o luminita de speranta, este atat de mic, dar atat de mult sufera. Din inima pentru Darius mai incercam inca odata sa-l ajutam si sa nu mai cunoasca ce inseamna durere si suferinta. Va multumim


16 Aug, 2017

Am dat start campaniei
