From the heart for Constantine

1,664 EUR Of the 1,000 required
64 Donations
115 In how many days was collected
Name Constantin
Amount required 1,000 Euro

Constantine is a young 18-year-old boy from Rezina who unfortunately suffers from systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus). Every month, his parents are spend thousands of lei for ointments and bandages that are capable to ease a little bit his pain.

We visited Constantin and gave him 20,000 lei we managed to collect and thereby we would like to thank all the people who donated money. Once se saw little Marin, we were confident that already witnessed a maximum suffering and the most tragic case. But Constantin is a real cry of pain! He does not live, he survives! How much pain this child suffers daily, few of us would resist one second! Why is this child is suffering in such poor conditions, in this unbearable heat? Imagine that the body is always an open wound and you are always hot? We can not even imagine it. Thus, he has lived for 18 years. We asked him what's his dream, and after many hesitations he told us: "I want to go to Vadul lui Voda, with my mother,". We managed to provide him this trip to Vadul lui Voda. Thanks to Ms. Sainsus and Dumitru Beschieru.

And we went home. In the courtyard, we met his uncle who told us hesitating, that the biggest dream of Constantin is a bicycle with three wheels, like the one in the photographs, but with a padded seat, because it hurts him to sit. And that dream has also been accomplished thanks to the Foundation "Saint George".

By the way, the villager you see in the pictures always tries to help Constantin – he gives him bycicle rides and supoort him all the time, regardless of poor conditions he lives in. Hats off for such a man!

Let us gather more money in order to make repairs and improve the living conditions of Constantin.

Please send an SMS to the number 9002 with the text "Constantin" (Unite subscribers only) or call from thea fixed telephone number to 090009002 and donate as much as you can. You can also make a transfer through Qiwi devices (Bpay: donations to the number 17002003), to the Fund's name "St George" (Fundaţia de Caritate "Sfântul Gheorghe") (for Constantin), or through PayPal - (for Constantin).

You have so many possibilities! Let's change the life of this child!

If someone still does not know his history, it can be read here:

We ask you to distribute this information. Who knows, maybe someone will decide to help this family from Rezina.

From the heart to Constantine. Let us become better! Give up a cup of coffee to give a smile! Together we will succeed!

Campaign began in 3 August 2016
In how many days was collected 115
Created P CaritateMD
Region Rezina
Category Social
Anonymous donation 25 Nov, 2016 18:31 2
962 MDL
Din inima pentru Constantin
Anonymous donation 23 Nov, 2016 13:33 4
2,000 MDL
Multa sanatate, Constantine !
Anonymous donation 19 Nov, 2016 20:14 8
433 MDL
Anonymous donation 19 Nov, 2016 08:39 6
100 MDL
Anonymous donation 18 Nov, 2016 21:52 2
100 USD
All donations
