From the heart for Bogdan Sirbu

13,603 EUR Of the 33,840 required
520 Donations
205 In how many days was collected
Name Bogdan Sirbu
Age 4 years
Amount required 33,840 Euro
Treatment Spain
Diagnostic Retinoblastoma

Hello, I’m Bogdan’s mother, a boy who is now fighting for life. This is a wonderful child, who was always smiling, real joy for our family. However, his illness greatly upset us and we are now in a desperate situation.
In June, due to eye problems, we went to the doctor and he said in a trembling voice and a sad look that he was very sorry, but he must tell us the truth. The boy was diagnosed with retinoblastoma (tumor) of the left eye. To confirm the diagnosis, we went to Odessa, where after examinations everything was confirmed. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save the eye, and we underwent the enucleation (removal) procedure. But since the tumor was very large, we require additional treatment: radiation therapy and chemotherapy. We went to a clinic in Madrid, Spain. Now we are here, where we have already performed post-surgical examinations, and we must start the treatment.Unfortunately, the costs are too high for us. I am desperate and ask all people of goodwill, please help us save our boy.

Thank you very much for your encouragement and assistance!

Campaign began in 17 August 2019
In how many days was collected 205
Created P CaritateMD
Region Chișinău
Category Social
Silvia Croitoru 9 Mar, 2020 05:53 48
87 MDL
Anonymous donation 24 Feb, 2020 14:07 3
481 MDL
Parvu Tatiana / Ambasada Moldovei din or.Haga 24 Feb, 2020 11:38
1,000 MDL
Anonymous donation 22 Feb, 2020 17:37 498
I am sorry,please forgive me
I thank you
I love you
God Bless You!
Valentina Harea 19 Feb, 2020 23:10 94
All donations
10 Mar, 2020


17 Aug, 2019

Am dat start campaniei
