From the Heart for Ana Niguriță

5,206 EUR Of the 30,100 required
341 Donations
9 In how many days was collected
Age 30 years
Amount required 30,100 Euro

This is the heartbreaking story of Ana Niguriță—a mother, wife, daughter, and friend, 30 years old, from Stefan Vodă, recently diagnosed with cancer.
During her second pregnancy, at seven months, Ana was diagnosed with malignant melanoma on her torso. Due to the severity, doctors performed an emergency C-section to allow her to undergo necessary cancer screenings. Sadly, her newborn only survived a few days and is no longer with us.
The delay in testing allowed the cancer to spread to other organs, with the lower leg bone being the most affected.
Ana has started consultations at a clinic in Turkey, but continuing the costly treatment requires significant financial support.
We ask for your help during this difficult time, so Ana can continue treatment and have hope for a happy life with her family and loved ones.

Campaign began in 25 September 2024
In how many days was collected 9
Created P CaritateMD
Region Or. Ștefn Vodă
Category Social
Anonymous donation 7 Oct, 2024 14:50 36
500 MDL
Anonymous donation 7 Oct, 2024 09:56 99
100 MDL
Pace si sanatate!
SMS Unite 7 Oct, 2024 02:41
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****05
SMS Unite 7 Oct, 2024 02:41
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****05
Tatiana Bulat 6 Oct, 2024 20:04
100 EUR
Însănătoșire grabnică doamă Ana. Noi, Familia Bulat și mai ales Ala ne rugăm pentru dumneavoastră!
All donations
