From the Heart for Ana Guțu

2,842 EUR Of the 60,000 required
282 Donations
26 Days left
Age 41 years
Amount required 60,000 Euro

A message from Ana: 

Dear people of goodwill, with tears in my eyes, I humbly ask for your support. My children are at risk of losing their mother. Two years ago, I was diagnosed with Hepatitis B, which I treated successfully. In May of this year, after further investigations, I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, followed by a series of chemotherapy sessions that yielded little results, and I felt increasingly worse. We decided to go abroad for further investigations and treatment. The bad news is that I also have a tumor on my liver. I have started treatment and now I am fighting for my life. I have reasons to fight; I have been married since 2005, and we have four minor children, the eldest is 17 years old, the second is 14 years old, and we have 5-year-old twins. There is hope for treatment in Turkey, but the cost is too high for our family.

Currently, we have no source of income, and my husband is with me in Turkey because I cannot manage on my own and need assistance. The children are staying with my parents.

FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, I KINDLY ASK YOU TO HELP US. I am very desperate. I want to be able to raise my children. I implore you, PLEASE HELP ME.

Campaign began in 1 August 2024
Days left 26
Created P CaritateMD
Region R.Căușeni, s. Fîrlădeni
Category Social
Anonymous donation 16 Sep, 2024 17:44 2
500 MDL
Multa sanatate
MMPS Terminal 15 Sep, 2024 14:51
50 MDL
Anonymous donation 15 Sep, 2024 11:23 20
MMPS Terminal 14 Sep, 2024 15:02
100 MDL
Efrosinia Efrosinia 14 Sep, 2024 12:33 4
100 MDL
Înger Păzitor
All donations
