From the heart for Alexandru Balanel

4,361 EUR Of the 69,150 required
274 Donations
4 Days left
Age 33 years
Amount required 69,150 Euro

A message from his wife:

Hello, my name is Diana Balanel. I appeal to all people of goodwill. We urgently require your help.
In 2019, my husband, Alexandru Balanel, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. After a year of fighting it, with surgeries, chemotherapy sessions, and radiotherapy, he managed to defeat the disease. Four years later, during a routine checkup in January, a recurrence of 2.7 cm was detected in the same place in the brain, but without metastases. In addition to this diagnosis, a series of viruses, which are very dangerous for life, were detected in his body through tests.
At the moment, we don't have the necessary funds for the treatment, as it is expensive and involves a combination of chemotherapy with homeopathy. We found a clinic in Romania, which gave us high hopes, but the cost of treatment is beyond our means.
I don't work; I stay at home with the child.
We have a son who is 2 years old, and he needs his father. Please help us raise him together.
Any donation will be a great help to our family.
I ask you from the bottom of my heart to help us!
May God and the Virgin Virgin bless each and everyone of you.
Thank you for your understanding, for all the donations, and for your kindness!

Sincerely, Alexandru and Diana Balanel!

Campaign began in 9 April 2024
Days left 4
Created P CaritateMD
Region Cahul, s. Slobozia Mare
Category Social
Anonymous donation 27 Nov, 2024 12:54 4
384 MDL
FILIPP ALEXANDR 21 Nov, 2024 15:50
10 MDL
ajutor material pu Balanel Alexandru
Anonymous donation 13 Nov, 2024 16:17 64
200 MDL
SMS Moldcell 26 Oct, 2024 13:00
45 MDL
Anonymous donation 7 Oct, 2024 22:27 158
19 MDL
All donations
