From the Heart for Alexandr Nipomici

101,468 MDL Of the 100,000 required
171 Donations
14 In how many days was collected
Age 38 years
Amount required 100,000 Moldova Lei

A message from Alexandr:

My name is Alexandr Nipomici, and I am the father of three little angels. Six months ago, I was diagnosed with a colon tumor. I am reaching out to all people of goodwill to help me get through this tough challenge, so I can hold my children and offer them a bright future. Currently, I am undergoing chemotherapy, which is very expensive for me and beyond my family's means. I still need 5 more chemotherapy sessions, and after that, we hope to proceed with surgery. Please, I ask from the bottom of my heart, help me. May God bless you.

Campaign began in 13 June 2024
In how many days was collected 14
Created P CaritateMD
Region R. Criuleni, s. Dubăsarii Vechi
Category Social
SMS Unite 10 Jul, 2024 07:57
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****60
Iulia Radionova 9 Jul, 2024 11:45 39
3,800 MDL
Anonymous donation 9 Jul, 2024 09:00 241
10 EUR
liliana dadus 7 Jul, 2024 19:15 25
10 EUR
Iulia Radion 7 Jul, 2024 12:10 39
3,205 MDL
All donations
