Decent conditions for patients of the state medical institution of Leova district hospital

287,380 MDL Of the 600,000 required
266 Donations
316 In how many days was collected
Amount required 600,000 Moldova Lei

These days, while talking with the director of the district hospital, I sadly found out that the restoration of hospital kitchen is a serious and urgent problem, and there aren't enoght financial means to provide all the necessary conditions and standards. Unfortunately, during the pandemic, it is even more difficult to cope with the situation. The hospital received instructions to restore the hospital canteen as soon as possible, otherwise it risks to lose its accreditation, a fact that can lead to its closure. Representatives of the hospital administration told us that now, in this difficult period, when any hospital, any doctor is at the forefront in the fight against the new virus, it is very important for the hospital to work without any interruptions. Dear friends, in these difficult times for all of us, we urge people of good will, to help themselves, to help people from more than 30 villages who can not to afford to visit Chisinau hospitals or hospitals in other districts. For example, older people are now saving each leu and a trip to another, more distant hospital, becomes for them, a real burden. It is important to grant support for this hospital, so it can offer the best conditions for its patients, because, sometime, we all may need treatment. We ask you from the bottom of our hearts and sincerely hope to unite our efforts to help this hospital, as we firmly believe that together we can help people in need and build a better country together.

From the bottom of our hearts we thank you for your kindness and for provided assistance!

Campaign began in 16 May 2020
In how many days was collected 316
Created P CaritateMD
Category Social
Nistorica Irina 27 Mar, 2021 18:58 98
Alexandru Bzovii 18 Feb, 2021 16:32 2
50 MDL
Ana Cibotaru 18 Jan, 2021 15:31 60
250 MDL
Dintr-o mica donatie se vor face lucruri mari.
romeo cozmenciuc 14 Jan, 2021 20:41 2
10 EUR
SMS Moldcell 14 Jan, 2021 14:00
45 MDL
All donations
21 Oct, 2020
Emotii unice, realizez ca cea mai mare satisfactie mi-o aduce anume asa gen de proiecte- renovarea spitalelor, gradinitelor, caselor de copii, sau azile pt batrani. Pe perioada pandemiei nu stam locului, dupa ce am finisat sa renovam 3 sectii de la CMC, sa aprovizionam cu ajutoare spitalul nr 4, ieri am ajuns si in orasul Leova si ne-am bucurat de roade.  Socata am fost sa vad conditiile din cantina spitalului si conditiile in care se aflau scarile gradinitei, pavilioanele... pericol adevarat pentru copii... Fundatia noastra nu a putut refuza asa un proiect si cu drag ne-am implicat, asa cu ce am reusit sa adunam in bugetul nostru mic, cu picaturi din bunatate omeneasca, cu donatii lunare si cu multa multa marinimie a donatorilor am reusit sa facem o mare schimbare si va invit sa vedeti pozele de mai jos. Multumim din suflet celor care au fost alaturi, sa fiti mandri de voi. Sper sa nu ne oprim aici si sa ne sustineti in continuare , ca sa ajungem in mult mai multe orase si sate, proiecte si scrisori avem multe... si din pacate unde nu se implica cei ce au datoria asta, ne implicam noi- oamenii mici, dar care impreuna avem puterea de a misca Moldovioara asta din loc. 
Cu drag pentru oameni, cu drag pentru acasa!
Svetlana Sainsus -  cofondator


21 May, 2020

Am dat start campaniei
