David, a two years old little angel, received a cruel diagnosy from the doctors: retroperitoneal neuroblastoma on the right side (cancer). His family found a ray of hope in one of the clinics in Turkey, but his parents lack the required amount of money for surgery and for saving the life of their son.
Those who wish to give David a chance to live, can make donations via SMS to the number 9002 (Unite) or from a fixed phone line to the number 090 009 002 (Moldtelecom). The cost of one SMS or a phone call is 20 lei and the ammount of calls is unlimited.
In addition, you may contact the child's mother or his aunt at the following numbers:
060720151 - Silviya (mother, which can be contacted only through Viber) 068336421 - Marina Mereuta (Aunt)
The bank account of the charity fund "Sfântul Gheorghe" mun. Chisinau, Codru, str. Tadeuș Malinovschi 16 c / f: 1010620001522 IBAN: MD47MO2224ASV35534787100 BC "Mobiasbanca - Groupe Societe Generale" SA, or at Qiwi devices to the number 17002002.
Micul nostru Erou - David Gidei a invins cancerul.Dupa lupta de 1 an de zile la clinica Medicalpark Istanbul, astazi s-a intors acasa perfect sanatos!!!! Ura, Victorie!!!!! Multumim enorm medicilor pt tot!!!!Multumiri enorme tuturor donatorilor!!! Multumim enorm fratilor nostri Vlad Placinta de la asociatia " Salveaza o inima" din Romania!!! Ieri l-am revăzut pe David. Era de nerecunoscut – un copil plin de viata, care abia asteapta sa mearga la gradinita. "Sunt bucuroasa ca m-am întors acasa cu David sanatos. Sunt bucuroasa ca este şi el un copil normal, va merge în curand la gradinita ca ceilalti copii de seama lui. Am sperat, cu credinta, cu încredere trebuie sa mergem mai departe", a mentionat mama lui David, Silvia Gadei.Impreuna am reusit.Din inimaEchipa caritate.md va multumeste pt tot.
Another great news at the end of the year !!! We collected the necessary sum for David Gydei !!!
80,000 euros were collected! Today we say stop to donations !!! Our esteemed and dear friends from Romania – the association "Salvează o inimă" collected 60,000 euros for the boy! On Caritate.md there were collected 20.000.
Many thanks to our Romanian brothers that help our children! (Vlad Placinta)
Thank you, dear donors!
David Gydei now has the necessary sum for the whole treatment.
Today David underwent the bone marrow transplant. The boy managed to survive the most important and decisive stage of his life. His poor mother is filled with strong emotions...
But a mother will always do anything for her child! We are waiting for good news, waiting for a quick recovery of the child. Our dear donors, please send a message to help David today. Do not forget: Orange subscribers can send an SMS to number 2910 with the text "David" - it costs 45 lei. Are you ready to donate 45 lei David? Unite subscribers can send an SMS to the number 9002 with the text "David" (the price - 20 lei). Moldtelecom subscribers can call from landline phone to number 090 009 002 (the price - 20 lei).
Together, we can help! If all those who are reading this post will donate one euro, spread this message or send an SMS, a miraclecan happen and all the necessary amount will be collected within a few hours. It's not much for us. On the eve of winter holidays, we have to be better, we must give hope, and we must make wonders happen!
Dear Donors! I want to thank you for the donation you made for David Gadei. I recently visited the boy in a Turkish clinic, where he underwent surgery. David feels good. The operation, which lasted 10 hours, was successful, and 90% of the tumor was removed.
The rest will be eliminated by chemotherapy, but the biggest and most important step is the bone marrow transplant. Dear donors, transplantation is the most expensive process. The entire sum, along with surgery and hospitalization for seven months, raises up to $ 80,000. This is a lot of money... His parents are desperate... Every month thet gather a few thousand lei…. Our website at the moment collected $ 4,000.
Please make another effort and help David. Each of us can donate something for the boy or ask one of our friends to do so.
Any help is appreciated. I thank you for everything you did !!!! Sincerely, Svetlana Sainsus.