Christmas Campaign for People in Need

13,830 EUR Of the 15,000 required
245 Donations
64 In how many days was collected
Name Svetlana
Amount required 15,000 Euro

Although there is still time before the long-awaited winter holidays, their wonderful and magical atmosphere is already beginning to be felt in our hearts. These unforgettable holidays bring us a lot of warmth; they charm us with all their beauty, kindness, generosity. However, in the euphoria of the winter holidays, we cannot help thinking about people in need. At Christmas, all the roads lead home. Every year, at Christmas, we get acquainted with children, with families who hope that these winter holidays will be better. For many families, children, it is a very difficult period of the year. Every child dreams of Santa Claus. When a child is born, he is waiting to be loved, protected, and when Santa Claus comes, he is waited with gifts. Unfortunately, there are many children, which aren't visited by Santa. Therefore, our Christmas way is directed to them, to the children who need us. Having visited many Moldovan villages, we saw too much poverty, sad souls, too much pain and suffering. Many times, sitting in front of TV in Moldova, we do not see these problems and laying on the couch, it seems to us that children who have nothing to eat or nothing to wear, simply do not exist. Or, at least, we pretend that this is not our problem, when, in fact, we are very well aware that these children are our responsibility. Every time, during the holidays, we try to be closer to them. We believe that we can bring Christmas in their souls, while our gifts will bring joy to their homes. In the depth of our hearts, each of us believes in miracles, we believe that everything can change, that in the world there is kindness, but this requires one thing – WE HAVE TO BE HUMAN. Every year we visit these children, because Christmas is not only a holiday, a period of the year, it is a state of mind. For us, these children are the true spirit of Christmas. Maybe we do not have the capacity to make this world the ideal place for all or to defeat poverty, but we are sure that we can alleviate the lives of these children, to be able to solve some of their problems, but most importantly, to offer them moments of happiness and hope in a world full of despair and suffering. We ask you to think about the fact that there are many families in Moldova who do not ask for help, but nevertheless they need it. team invites you to share the happiness and euphoria of winter holidays with children who need a Christmas miracle.

Campaign began in 12 November 2017
In how many days was collected 64
Created P CaritateMD
Category Social
Anonymous donation 14 Jan, 2018 11:46 71
10 EUR
Însănătoșire grabnica băiețelului si sănătate si putere bunicii!!!
Anonymous donation 14 Jan, 2018 07:29 104
1,000 MDL
Special pentru puiul de 7 Ani la care Mos Craciun nu a fost niciodata.
Rarudiana Raru 13 Jan, 2018 19:47 30
10 EUR
La multi ani si sanatate la toti
Maria Mihailic 12 Jan, 2018 13:16 16
BPay Terminal 12 Jan, 2018 11:53
50 MDL
Numărul cecului: 106744178204559
All donations
4 Jan, 2018

Dragii nostri, dupa cum cunoasteti, anul acesta am planificat sa vizitam 200 familii din Moldova, pentru a aduce o mica bucurie pentru aceste suflete necajite. La moment sunt deja peste 220 familii si nu ne oprim aici. Campani continua, colindam si mai departe. Campania de Craciun a fost si este una cu emotii, peripetii, si cel mai important, implinire sufleteasca. Trairile pe care le-am avut atunci cand deschideam portita unui batranel, a unui copilas care crede in Mos Craciun, dar nu avea speranta ca va veni si la el, sunt de nedescris. Priviri triste, priviri necajite am vazut multe, dar cu cata caldura ne-au primit batraneii nostri, copilasii care erau cei mai bucurosi si fericiti ca Mos Craciun nu au uitat de ei. Dragii nostri impreuna cu Dvs am incalzit sute de suflete, am adus o mica speranta ca, totusi, catusi de putin dar putem schimba si misca lucrurile din loc. Toate imbratisarile pe care le-am primit de la acesti oameni minunati, ne-au incalzit sufletul, ne-au oferit emotii calde si sufletiste. Multumim din suflet ca impreuna am reusit sa facem un lucru maret. Multumim cu plecaciune ca impreuna am adus spiritul sarbatorilor de iarna, multumim ca va pasa, multumim ca existati, multumim de micile minuni, de micile bucurii, de zambetele picilor, multumim tuturor pentru implicare si daruire. De Craciun am reusit sa fim si mai buni, sa fim si mai generosi sa fim si mai uniti. Va multumim pentru incredere si donatiile de suflet. Aici puteti vedea cele mai memorabile momente si sa stiti ca tot binele oferit se va intoarce neaparat. Multumim!

P.S Toata campania de Craciun o gasiti aici:



21 Dec, 2017

Cu mult drag am dat start Campaniei de Craciun. Iar prima vizita pe care am facut-o la inceput de drum, a fost la copilasii bolnavi de cancer. Am avut parte de o zi cat se poate de incarcata, pentru ca intr-un timp record am indeplinit dorintele la acesti copilasi. Spre fericirea noastra acesti minunati copilasi il asteptau pe Mos Craciun cu o mare nerabdare. A fost o zi cu multe emotii, a fost o zi in care ne-am propus sa aducem cat mai multe zambete si bucurii, a fost o zi cu adevarat implinita in care am reusit impreuna sa aducem pe chipul acestor suflete chinuite, fericire in ajun de sarbatori. Dragii nostri, pentru ca noi nu ne oprim aici, campania de Craciun continua. Anul acesta vom merge la 200 familii din intreaga Moldova, unde vom aduce o masa calda de sarbatori. Avem nevoie si in continuare de sustinerea Dvs, avem nevoie de Dvs sa oferim un Craciun special pentru cei mai tristi ca noi. Pentru ca magia Craciunului ne face sa fim si mai buni, va rugam sa ne fiti alaturi, sa fim cei care cu adevarat putem face lucruri frumoase si speciale de sarbatori. Multumim pentru sprijinul oferit, si doar impreuna putem aduce spiritul sarbatorilor de iarna in case si sufletele necajite. Daruim si in continuare lumina si bucurie pentru un Craciun Fericit la familiile care au nevoie de noi. Multumim ca sunteti alaturi.



Am dat start campaniei
