A humanitarian appeal: DONATE to help MAXIM, a child that has spent 4 years in coma

19,374 USD Of the 20,000 required
1290 Donations
970 In how many days was collected
Name Rabivila Maxim
Amount required 20,000 US Dollar

The drama of Rabovila family can not be even imagined by most of us. The suffering of Maxim’s parents could not leave us indifferent to this tragedy. For the past four years his childhood was spent in the darkness, and the efforts of parents who are fighting for his life every day - seems inexplicable.

The summer of 2012 proved fatal for their little boy, who was then only 6 years old. In August, there was an accident, the baby fell into the pool and the chances of rescue were slim. Even if doctors could bring him to life, there was announced a diagnosis that radically changed his existence - vegetative state. Or in other words - a child in a coma, who always sleeps and only sometimes opens his eyes.

The doctors’ prognosis is quite severe. However, the parents appealed to several clinics abroad, and received a positive answer only from one private clinic in Germany. But the price they are asking is impressive - more than 142 thousand euros.

Until now, Maxim has undergone countless surgical procedures and was hospitalized in several clinics in Russia and Moldova, but in the end the parents were forced to turn their apartment into a hospital for their child.

In addition, their apartment for rent and monthly expenses exceed by far the financial income of the family. The husband works as a laborer in the field and get 200 lei per day, Maxim’s disability pension is 460 lei per month, and Diana, the mother Maxim, is paid 1500 lei per month by working as a nurse. Monthly, the costs for Maxim treatment reach hundreds of thousands of euros: food, medicine, oxygen, sodium chloride, and much more. Maxim’s life depends on the equipment and on special 


Campaign began in 16 September 2016
In how many days was collected 970
Created Sochirca Adelina
Region Chișinău
Category Social
Anonymous donation 13 May, 2019 23:28 498
I am sorry,please forgive me
I thank you
I love you
God Bless You!
Anonymous donation 8 May, 2019 08:21 2
20 EUR
Anonymous donation 23 Apr, 2019 20:38 133
Anonymous donation 17 Apr, 2019 14:08 13
1,600 MDL
Anonymous donation 30 Mar, 2019 00:32 149
1,000 MDL
All donations
20 Nov, 2016

Dear donors, we visited Maxim today. After we published his story, the life of the boy and his parents completely changed. Just look at the cases filled with new products! It's all thanks to you!!! Maxim will now have high-quality food products, medicines, a modern breathing apparatus and all that his parents require!

The money was transferred to the account of his parents! Today, the boy's father told us that it's hard for him to decide how to spend all these money, because this is the first time they receive such a substantial support. We want to thank all those who donated money for this boy. We ask you to continue supporting this family, since the daily expenses for Maxim are considerable. Little by little we will soon collect $10,000. Please make another effort and help Maxim, who is in coma for 4 years and cannot see his mom.


16 Sep, 2016

Am dat start campaniei
