Dear friends, during 4 months we visited many children in pain, many elderly people that face a lot of difficulties, we met families who lost their jobs, mothers who became victims of domestic violence, and who decided to remain anonymous, many children who grew in violence and total poverty. During these 4 months we offered different types of charity, we managed to bring them not only food, but to enlighten their souls as well. Today we are starting a new campaign, and we are asking once again for your support. Even though we live in a wonderful world, we know that it has a darker side, and it was not easy for us to get closer to these people. The hardest and most painful thing is to embrace the children who are tormented and beaten by their own parents, to feel their pain and fear, which cannot be described... Dear people, a new campaign begins and it is called “Be the hero of the troubled hearts”, which is aimed at helping vulnerable families, elderly people who suffer, children who have seen only violence, aggression and are very scared when someone tries to hug them. Our visits and our support give them hopes that life could be different. Let's continue to bring them happiness, let's continue offering them joy and hope. Together we plan to visit nursing homes and bring them food and other necessary products. Be the hero of these troubled hearts and your generosity will bring them hope that tomorrow they will have something to eat.
Ne intrebati de unde energie si putere? De aici, din emotiile lor, din educatia lor frumoasa, din dragostea si recunostinta cu care ne primesc de fiecare data. De 1 iunie am fost in vizita la Centrul de Servicii pentru Copiii cu Dizabilități „Pasărea Albastră”. A fost o zi doar despre ei, despre copiii cu o altfel de copilarie , una matura, pe alocuri mai trista si mai dureroasa, dar copilarie. Orice copil merita un zambet, o jucarie, o emotie frumoasa si o amintire pe viata. La multi ani de ziua copiilor tuturor copilasilor fara exceptie. Sa ne fiti sanatosi si sa va aiba Domnul in paza Lui mereu.
Cu respect,
Echipa "" - Unitate prin Caritate!
Ne intrebati de unde energie si putere? De aici, din emotiile lor, din educatia lor frumoasa, din dragostea si recunostinta cu care ne primesc de fiecare data. De 1 iunie am fost in vizita la Centrul de Servicii pentru Copiii cu Dizabilități „Pasărea Albastră”. A fost o zi doar despre ei, despre copiii cu o altfel de copilarie , una matura, pe alocuri mai trista si mai dureroasa, dar copilarie. Orice copil merita un zambet, o jucarie, o emotie frumoasa si o amintire pe viata. La multi ani de ziua copiilor tuturor copilasilor fara exceptie. Sa ne fiti sanatosi si sa va aiba Domnul in paza Lui mereu.
Cu respect,
Echipa "" - Unitate prin Caritate!