Bring Christmas to the Hearts of Children in Need

18,901 EUR Of the 20,000 required
1095 Donations
46 In how many days was collected
Amount required 20,000 Euro

When we think of winter holidays, we imagine cozy homes, family gatherings, gifts, carols, loved ones, the smell of oranges, and so many other small joys that Christmas brings. This year, we are launching one of the most heartfelt campaigns: "Bring Christmas to the Hearts of Children in Need."

Every time we visit villages as part of our campaigns, we encounter a reality that leaves us speechless. It’s another world—a world where some children shiver from the cold, a world without joy, where the holidays are lived differently: without hope, without smiles, and without even a simple meal on the table.

We invite you to share the joy of Christmas with those in need. Together with these children, we can feel a deeper sense of fulfillment this Christmas Eve, knowing that our gifts and support will bring a smile to a child’s face during winter holidays.

From the bottom of our hearts, we invite you to join us in experiencing what it truly means to give to those who need it most.

Thank you for your support and kind thoughts.

Campaign began in 20 November 2024
In how many days was collected 46
Created P CaritateMD
Region Satele Moldovei
Category Social
Igor Cotos 5 Jan, 2025 13:55 9
200 MDL
Anonymous donation 5 Jan, 2025 12:07 2
100 MDL
Olesea chirtoaca 5 Jan, 2025 11:39 5
95 MDL
Irina Cioclea 5 Jan, 2025 00:52 6
100 MDL
Anonymous donation 4 Jan, 2025 21:49 35
278 MDL
Doamne ajută!
All donations
11 Feb, 2025

Din numele a celor 300 de familii, bătrâni, copii, DRAGA DONATOR, vǎ mulțumim pentru cǎ ați ales sǎ fiți alături de inimile lor.

In inimile a 300 de familii am reusit sa ajungem in 2 luni de zile. Toate aceste zambete ale copiilor, imbratisari ale batranilor, nu ar fi posibile fara ajutorul vostru, oameni cu suflet mare. Echipa va multumeste inmiit pentru cele mai frumoase, implinite momente alaturi de ai nostri batrani, alaturi de ai nostri copiii. Incepand de la lemne, produse alimentare, produse de igiena, dulciuri pentru pici am reusit sa aducem la fiecare familie, batran, copilas multa CREDINTA SI SPERANTA in OAMENI CU SUFLET MARE. 

Plecaciuni pentru cele mai de suflet campanii pe care le impartim cu mult suflet si bunatate din partea la toti,  cei care alegeti  an de an, zi de zi sa fiti alaturi in  inimile batranilor si ai copiilor. Dragii nostri, fara voi, aceste momente de implinire sufleteasca nu ar fi posibil si pentru acest lucru VA MULTUMIM CA EXISTATI.

20 Nov, 2024

Am dat start campaniei
