At Christmas - Let's Be Kinder!

20,048 EUR Of the 20,000 required
1148 Donations
56 In how many days was collected
Amount required 20,000 Euro

Dear people of goodwill, we invite you to bring a smile to unfortunate children who are deprived of the opportunity to truly experience the joy of Christmas. We need your support to delight as many children, families, and lonely elderly people as possible.
Every year, the kindness of December is directed towards the most precious beings on earth: children, especially those in need or deprived of parental love and care. During the holidays, you can become Santa Claus for a child or a lonely elderly person suffering from the burden of old age. December and January are a mix of joy, tears, hope, kindness, and faith in humanity. Let's grace the Christmas table with joy and bring smiles to the faces of children.

Campaign began in 31 October 2023
In how many days was collected 56
Created P CaritateMD
Category Social
Cristina Galbur 27 Dec, 2023 10:28 2
10 USD
Anonymous donation 27 Dec, 2023 08:05 30
400 MDL
Sănătate si bucurii la toti!
Coșcodan Nicolae 27 Dec, 2023 02:19
200 MDL
Anonymous donation 27 Dec, 2023 01:45 1012
În numele Domnului și a Maicii Domnului
Manjit S
Anonymous donation 26 Dec, 2023 23:00 18
200 MDL
All donations
31 Dec, 2023

La multi ani, om cu suflet mare. Iti multumim pentru tot binele oferit si pentru toata generozitatea. 

Va dorim ca, in noun an, Bunul Dumnezeu sa va Binecuvanteze inmiit pentru lucrurile frumoase si de suflet oferite oamenilor necajiti. Va suntem pana la cer recunoscatori pentru increderea, efortul si dorinta de a ajuta.

Va multumim pentru toate aceste emotii traite in 2023 si momente atat de frumoase imprimate pentru toata viata.

31 Oct, 2023

Am dat start campaniei
